Alumnae slEEPOVERS

Summer Occupancy 2023 (6)

Alumnae Sleepovers are back for Summer 2025!

Grab your squirrel sisters and pack your bags for a weekend with Alpha Gam at one of these locations across the country!

  • Alpha, Syracuse University: July 11-13 and July 18-20
  • Alpha Lambda, The Ohio State University: July 25-27
  • Beta Delta, Indiana University: June 27-29
  • Beta Xi, Purdue University: July 18-20
  • Delta, University of Minnesota: June 6-8
  • Epsilon, University of Kentucky: June 20-22
  • Epsilon Kappa, Pittsburg State University: June 6-8
  • Gamma Beta, Florida State University: June 6-8
  • Phi, Oregon State University: June 20-22
  • Rho, Iowa State University: June 20-22
  • Sigma, University of Illinois: June 27-29
  • Theta Iota, Western Kentucky University: June 27-29
  • Upsilon, The University of Oklahoma: June 6-8
  • Zeta, Ohio University: June 20-22

Initiated at a chapter without a house? Can't make it to the weekend for the sleepover at your initiating chapter? No problem! Alumnae can attend any sleepover at any chapter. For questions or inquiries, email

SleepoverCalendar (1)